Here, you will feel taken care of and have a professional experience. My three health certifications means high competence both in breadth and in depth. I provide the toolbox to help you reach your health goals.

JL Health was founded in the middle of 2022 with a genuine interest in helping people achieve a better health. Public health in Sweden is unfortunately heading in the wrong direction and I want to be someone to be counted on to pull it in the right direction.  
  • 80% of all costs in the Swedish healthcare are due to chronic diseases according to "Myndigheten för vårdanalys rapport 2014:2".
  • 80% of all chronic diseases are lifestyle factors according to the study "Genetic Factors Are Not the Major Causes of Chronic Diseases" from 2016, the rest (20%) is due to our genetics.
I want to give people the power and understanding to be able to influence their health on their own. In my professional role as a health coach, I support YOU for a healthier life.

JL Health
"Your Support For A Healthier Life"

Kind Regards,

Personal thoughts

My story
Since I was little, my view of health has basically only been about exercise.
Somewhere around the age of 35, I felt that there were many things that were not right.
Fatigue, stomach problems, stress, anxiety, eczema, mood swings etc...
Finally, I found myself in a situation where I wanted to do something.
It was there and then that I began to explore the field of health.
Read, listened and understood that it was about the whole.
I started experimenting with fasting.
The result was that the stomach calmed down a bit.
In the next step, I started experimenting with the diet and realized that I was on the right track.
1+1 was like 3
Became more and more curious.
How was this connected and, above all, "why" became strong driving forces.
Finally, I decided to start a proper education.

I have experienced it myself
...by changing diet I got rid of eczema
...the fix of nutritional deficiencies got rid of muscle twitches
...that through dietary changes and fasting, a troubled stomach was sorted out
...measure my health through health tests to take action and prevent illness and disease
...to create a strong body that lasts long-term through the right training
...to make me calmer and more present through stress management

Today - about 10 years later
Today I feel strong and full of energy.
The 4 health principles are a natural part of my everyday life:
Diet and Nutrition | Sleep | Stress Management | Movement and Training
I am aware of and working on my health challenges
I prioritize long-term profit instead of quick rewards.
Today, I really think that I'm a way better version of my self.

In my work with clients, I assume the following roles:
Health Coach
Nutrition Adviser
Functional Medicine Practitioner

Continued development
At the end of 2024, I will complete my training to become a Licensed Personal Trainer (PT).

This will develop my view on health and broaden my offer further.

My motto
"I want health today, tomorrow and when I grow old. Then I also want to be able to run faster than my children for as long as possible :)"


ReCODE 2.0 Certified Health Coach
- Year 2024

  • Apollo Health’s ReCODE 2.0 training for Coaches is the gold-standard for any qualified health coach desiring to work with clients in the areas of prevention or reversal of cognitive decline.
  • Knowledge of the subtypes of Alzheimer’s Disease.
  • Knowledge of the 7 major lifestyle factors.
  • Coaching skills to support the overall care, using the Bredesen Protocol with the PreCODE and ReCODE Reports.
  • The only clinically proven program to reverse cognitive decline in early-stage Alzheimer’s Disease. Read more here.

- YEAR 2022

  • Professional program in functional medicine.
  • Functional medicine is a medical specialization that, on a scientific basis, identifies and treats the underlying causes of chronic diseases and symptoms.
  • Read here about studies on Functional Medicine.
  • Knowledge of how to interpret and provide feedback on health forms and a range of functional medicine tests: food intolerances, hormone tests (DUTCH), small intestinal bacteria overgrowth (SIBO), leaky gut, stomach/intestine imbalance (dysbiosis), nutritional status (organic acids).
  • Skills of creating, documenting and following up on clients' health plan as well as designing an optimal functional medicine intervention protocol for clients.



- YEAR 2021

  • Professional program in nutrition and health, and how to effectively coach others to better health.
  • The content rests on a scientific, evolutionary and functional medicine basis.
  • Read here about studies on Functional Medicine.
  • Skills to create, document and follow up clients' health plan and to design an optimal diet, exercise and lifestyle plan for clients.
  • Skills of how to interpret and provide feedback on health forms, blood panel and fatty acid profile (Omega 3 Index / Omega3/Omega6).
  • Professional skills in coaching, motivational interviewing (MI) and entrepreneurship to be successful in the market.

- YEAR 2020

  • Health knowledge in depth with an "I" perspective. Before I can lead others, I need to understand and work on my own health and live as I learn.
  • Practical skills on how to measure your health effectively, create, document and follow up your own health plan as well as design an optimal diet, exercise and lifestyle plan that is just right for me.
  • A 3-month health process where I documented the current situation, goals and action program.