
1. JL Health AB, 559381-2943, hereinafter referred to as "JL Health", provides health services in the form of consultations, programs, courses, trainings, lectures and other events.

2. The health services are provided digitally and / or through physical meetings at a location designated by JL Health.

3. "Customer" refers to a physical or legal person who purchases a health service mentioned above.

4. Booking an appointment with JL Health means that you, as a customer, accept these general terms and conditions.


5. In connection with an inquiry made and/or a completed purchase of a service, the Customer gives his active consent to JL Health collecting and digitally storing personal data and data such as test results, journal entries, images, films, correspondence and medical and health-related data. Storage of sensitive data is done digitally on encrypted server and / or physically locked in accordance with current GDPR legislation.

6. All information about a Customer is treated strictly confidentially and will never be made available to a third party unless permission has been expressly given by the Customer.

7. Before the purchased and paid for service is used, the Customer must give his active consent to the storage of necessary personal data and approve these general terms and conditions as well as specific terms for the purchase of the service in question in its entirety. The active consent is provided by ticking a box in a digital form or a printed form. If consent is not given, a purchased service cannot be used until consent is given.

8. A withdrawal of your consent to the storage of your personal data is done by contacting JL Health via e-mail or phone. A withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of services already delivered.

9. After a purchased service has ended, all the Customer's data and the digital customer folder are deleted in a secure manner within 24 months at the latest, with the exception of data on financial transactions that are needed to comply with the ABL (the Limited Company Act - Aktiebolagslag) and to fullfill requirements from the tax authority.


10. In connection with the completed purchase of one or more services, the Customer accepts to pay for the agreed services by invoice or invoice service where several payment options are possible. The services you booked need to be paid for before you can start using them.

11. All prices are stated including VAT for private individuals. For companies, VAT is added to the prices.

12. Cost of medical tests is not included in the price of service purchased from JL Health. The cost of medical tests must be paid by the Customer directly to the respective supplier, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
13. Cancellation of a purchased service can take place up to 24 hours before the start of the service. After that, the service cannot be canceled but must be paid according to the regular price list. In the event that an ongoing service is interrupted, the Customer must pay for the entire cost of the service, unless the interruption is due to reasons attributable to JL Health.

14. For possible reimbursement of an ongoing service, JL Health follows the guidelines of the Swedish Consumer Agency - Konsumentverkets

15. Cancellation of purchased service takes place by sending an e-mail to JL Health. In the event of a canceled service, any payment/difference paid will be refunded to the Customer's designated account within 14 days of the cancellation taking place.


16. The customer agrees to never send medical or other sensitive and personal information via SMS or e-mail, but sensitive information must be sent through the agreed method with JL Health.

17. Medical and other sensitive documents can alternatively be sent by registered post to JL Health.

18. Diet, nutritional supplements and other proposed lifestyle measures, you as the customer are responsible for the meaning of these and if there are any ambiguities, it is of the utmost importance that you as the customer ask for clarification. This is because it is you as the customer who is decisive in how successful your individually adapted diet and lifestyle measures will be.


19. JL Health is a member of the Swedish Association of Professional Body Therapists (Kroppsterapeuternas Yrkesförbund) and holds valid liability insurance and follows the ethical guidelines of the Kroppsterapeuternas Yrkesförbund. Read about these guidelines - click here.


20. These general terms and conditions and the completed purchase of service to which they relate shall be governed by Swedish law. Disputes arising from this must be settled by a general court, with the Gothenburg district court as the first instance.

21. JL Health has the right, without prior notification to the Customer, to change these general terms and conditions by posting the change of terms on the JL Health website or by otherwise informing the customer.

22. The amended terms and conditions apply from the date of amendment and also cover already completed purchases of services.

23. Customer agrees not to post criticism and complaints against JL Health on public pages and social media without first discussing this with JL Health.

24. As a customer, you are aware that there are no guaranteed results when you make a purchase from and use any of the receiving professional's services.

The latest day for changes to these terms and conditions is 2023-12-26.